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Vampire Breast Lift®

Only members of the Vampire Breast Lift ® Provider Group are licensed to perform the procedure.

The group includes plastic surgeons and gynecologists in multiple countries and in most states in the US. Any others using the name "Vampire Breast Lift" (or any variation) violate US law, may be doing an inferior procedure, and are subject to prosecution.

Dr. Robert Cohen, MD explains the Vampire Breast Lift® procedure...

Cosmo Talks about the Vampire Breast Lift® Procedure

Do You Show Any of These 5 Signs of the Aging Breast?

1. Skin color becomes more gray because of less blood flow.

2. Shape of the breast becomes collapsed and droopy.

3. Sensation decreased after breast feeding, or implants, other surgery, or aging.

4.  Inverted nipples.

5.  Crinkling, crate-paper skin around the cleavage area.

3 Steps of the Vampire Breast Lift ® Procedure

(1) Evaluate Shape and where the shape can be enhanced to create a younger, more attractive appearance.

(2) Preparation of the growth factors for injection...

First, the injector (1) isolates growth factors from the patient's blood.  (2) When these growth factors enter the breast (injected by the physician), then muti-potent stem cells become activated to grow new tissue.  This new tissue includes new collagen, new fatty tissue (for smoothness), and new blood vessels (for a healthy glow).

Then she "activates" those platelets to cause the release from the platelets of at least 8 growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue.  

These growth factors work like magic to cause increased collagen & new blood flow. To rejuvenate new skin, these growth factors must be put back into your breast.  

(3) Injecting the Magic into Your Breast

Using numbing cream and a very small needle (for almost no pain), the physician injects the woman's own growth factors back into her breast in a particular way. These growth factors then activate multipotent stem cells  already in the skin (tricking them into "thinking" there's been an injury and new younger tissue should generated).

Modeled After the Vampire Facelift ® Procedure...

The multipotent stem cells then develop into new collagen, new blood vessels, and new fatty tissue trying to "repair" the skin that was never injured!

The result...younger-appearing skin and increased volume of fatty tissue!

The effects of the procedure improve for 2 to 3 months and last for at least 1 to 2 years!


Use Your Blood to Rejuvenate Your Breast...

The Vampire Breast Lift ® procedure is not for everyone.  

Many would do better with surgery (if you want a dramatic change in cup size).  All of the providers on this web site display passion about offering you the right procedure for your face.

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